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Submit your website to relevant directories

Submitting your site to directories can mean more exposure
Submitting your site to directories can mean more exposure

Find the right directories for your site

For most topics that you could cover in your website, there is a corresponding list of directories that serve the communities of people dealing with similar topics. 

A great way to promote your site is to add it to these directories. This is going to require some work on your part, search Google for directories and websites that cover topics that are similar to the one you cover. For example if you have a hotel, you could submit your site and business to directories such as Agoda, or the Tripadvisor... a classic "big" one can be the yellow pages.

Don't forget local or smaller directories, professional listings in your country, your region, your town ... Some directories are simple sites gathering useful links for their readers on one particular subject. Look for them, understand their approach and submit your site accordingly.

Adding your site to directories and things to avoid

Sometimes these directories will be easy to add your site to. Other times it will be hard. 

Often to be added to these types of directories you will need to go through a submission process that can be drawn out and quite detailed. Don't be dissuaded by this, or the time it might take, the effort that you put in here can go a long way.

Be careful though when you are dealing with a forum or a directory you need to take care to follow the rules and to not promote your site in ways that could be considered spam. 

You need to submit a unique description of your website to each directory that you submit to. You can't use the same one for every directory and will, in all likelihood, be blacklisted if you do this.
Also if there is a section for reviews, don't submit fake reviews. There is nothing wrong with asking your customers or users to leave reviews of your company or your site but it is a very bad idea to make fake accounts in order to leave comments or reviews. 

Submit your site to search engines

Don't forget that in order for the search engines to reference your site, they need to know about it. If your site is linked to from other sites, chances are they know about it already. Just do a search for the address of your site. If you see your site, then the search engines know about it.

If you don't see your site, you can get the process moving by submitting your site manually.

Keep in mind that before you register your site manually to search engines, a couple of links from quality site towards yours, are still the best way to be detected by search engines.

 • A good way is to summit your business location to Google =>  Google My Business
 • If you upgrade your site to Pro, a sure and useful way is to install =>  Analytics 

• A good way is to summit your business address if you have one =>  Bing Places

Post your articles on special sites

And if you have the soul of a writer, there is a couple places where you could submit an structured and documented article. An article that would be linked to your site of course.

Ezinearticles.com, Articlecube.com, or Articlealley.com for example... Again, avoid writing the same article to submit in different places.

How can directories help my site?

Directories can help improve visibility of your site among people who are most interested in your topic or your services and who are most likely to be looking for such services in your area.

Is adding my site to directories free?

Yes, adding your site to directories is free most of the time. However, the submission process can sometimes be time-consuming and a bit complex. But in the end it is worth your time, so please don't be discouraged by the perceived complexity of the process and number of filed to fill.
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